SHAPA has been the UK's leading specialist Association for the solids handling and processing industry since its formation in 1981. Our support and assistance has allowed our members to maximise their profitability, whilst taking advantage of the many benefits afforded by the Association.
Dr MSA Bradley
The Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology University of Greenwich, London SE18 6PF
It is common to have to deal with existing hoppers and silos which do not discharge reliably. The engineer faced with such a problem needs some sort of understanding of how to select the most appropriate of the many possible solutions available. The choice depends upon consideration of:-
This paper seeks to give a general understanding of the principle of employing aids to flow, and develop some guidance to the engineer as to how to approach the problem, choose the solution most likely to be successful, and apply it in the best way.
There are basically two possible flow patterns in hoppers, i.e. core flow and mass flow, as depicted below. Although mass flow has some useful advantages, the vast majority of vessels discharge in core flow. This is because achieving mass flow requires some very careful design, usually following flow testing of the product being stored; in practice this is not often done, consequently the “default” pattern of core flow is instead arrived at. The specific advantages of mass flow will be explored later in this paper.
Fig. 1a Mass flow
Material all in motion, sliding on the cone of the vessel and coming out in order of input
Fig. 1b Core flow
Material sloughs off the top surface down an angle of repose and flows down through a central flow channel
Failures to discharge from core flow hoppers can occur as a result of two different types of blockage, the stable arch or the rat-hole as shown below.
Fig. 2a Stable arch
Fig. 2b Stable rat-hole
These are both stable structures in which the strength of the bulk solid is higher than the stresses in the structure (from its self-weight), meaning that the structure will not collapse under its own weight. The stresses in the structures increase as the size of the structures (arch or rat-hole) increase; the size of the structure is dictated by the outlet size of the vessel, hence it follows that if the outlet size of the vessel is continually increased, there will eventually arise a situation where the stresses in the structure overcome the strength of the material and the structure collapses, allowing flow to occur.
Any given commodity has a certain strength characteristic, which effectively gives it a maximum dimension across which it can arch, and a maximum size of rat-hole which it can support. These dimensions depend to a degree on the size of the bin and hence the pressure applied to the material at the bottom to compact it, and also on the maximum time in residence between complete emptyings-out of the bin (this “time consolidation” effect can also strengthen the material).
The important point to understand from the above is this: For a given commodity in a given vessel, there is a certain maximum arching dimension and a certain maximum rat-hole dimension which the commodity can support. As it happens, the maximum rat-hole dimension is usually much larger than the maximum arching dimension. If the outlet of the vessel is below the arching dimension of the material, an arch will result when material is withdrawn; if the outlet of the vessel is above the arching dimension, but below the rat-hole dimension then a stable rat-hole will form once the material in the centre of the bulk has flowed out (unless the bin operates in mass flow in which case a rat-hole cannot form).
Thus, for a core flow bin to discharge successfully by gravity, without flow aids, the outlet size would need to be above the maximum stable rat-hole dimension of the commodity being stored. In bins where there is not a problem with flow, this is the case. However where there is a flow problem, clearly it is not.
One option is to enlarge the outlet dimension above the maximum stable rat-hole dimension. If this is too big to connect directly to the equipment under the vessel, then a mechanical feeder of some kind is needed to take the commodity from this large hopper outlet and feed it into the smaller equipment underneath. This approach, whilst workable, is not always possible or desirable, especially as the stable rat-hole dimension of the commodity can often be several feet with cohesive materials.
objective of a flow aid is effectively to turn the lower section of the hopper into a feeder, by artificially encouraging flow of the contents where such flow would not occur under gravity alone. An effective flow aid must therefore encourage flow down to the mouth of the hopper, and all the way up to a diameter above the stable rat-hole dimension of the commodity.
One point to note is that if the commodity has a high tendency to “time consolidate” (i.e. gain strength with time) then the maximum stable rat-hole diameter will be very large, sometimes even as large as the vessel containing it. This is a particular problem with a core flow hopper, since with this flow pattern, the material around the hip will remain static all the time until the hopper is actually emptied right out. In such a case, for a flow aid to be successful, it has to activate the entire height of the converging section. However, for materials with such a high tendency to time consolidate, it is probably more economic in the long term to change to a mass flow hopper for reasons which will become apparent later.
Fig. 3 Application of flow aids to a core flow hopper for successful discharge
The many different types of flow aid work in different ways to achieve the same objective. Their ranges of applicability, and particular points to be watched when using them, will be explored below. Of course, the critical rat-hole dimension of the material in the hopper is often not known (although it can be determined by flow property measurement) but a general understanding of the above principle is necessary to ensure the successful use of discharge aids.
Briefly, the most commonly employed aids to improved flow are:-
Vibration is probably the most commonly-applied aid to discharge. It works extremely well to control the flow of free-flowing materials; ironically, discharge aids are rarely needed for such materials! However, they can be used for quite a wide variety of commodities provided the commodities are not either:-
Vibrators bolted to the outside of a vessel vibrate the wall, thereby reducing the friction between hopper and contents and (to a small degree) reducing the strength of the bulk. The reduced wall friction undermines any arch and puts an inwards pressure on any rat-hole, helping to collapse it.
To be effective, external vibrators must be applied in the right place, that is to vibrate the hopper wall in the region between the outlet and the critical rat-hole diameter, as shown in fig. 3 above. This presents something of a problem, since the area around the mouth of the hopper is its strongest part; frequently, it is bolted to a rotary valve or other heavy piece of equipment. Consequently, getting the vibration to transmit into this part of the structure is not easy. Nevertheless it is important that the vibration is carried as far down the wall towards the outlet as possible, as this is the most critical area for flow (being the smallest). If vibrators are fitted too high up, then flow will be encouraged high up which will simply serve to apply pressure to the material lower down near the outlet of the hopper and consolidate it, making it harder to discharge.
In general, it is best to start with vibrators low down on the hopper since the vibration will transmit upwards into the more flexible part of the structure, more readily than downwards.
Such external vibrators are usually installed as a first retro-fit option to a troublesome hopper; they are quite cheap, readily available and easy to install. Positioning has been mentioned; sizing is rather more hit-and-miss but suppliers can advise. Experience has shown that they are effective at overcoming slight flow problems (where discharge is mostly adequate but stops now and again and can be restarted with a bit of hammering). It can deal with more regular problems as long as the material is not highly cohesive. Often they do not need continuous running; just a fifteen-second period when flow is first initiated, or perhaps the same every minute during discharge. It is always better to start with too little vibration and increase it if necessary, to avoid the danger of compacting the material especially if the flow rate is limited under the hopper by a rotary valve or feeder.
Vibrators must always be sequenced so that they only come on when the material is being taken away from the hopper outlet; applying vibration to any material when it is confined will simply consolidate it.
Given the cheapness and ease of installation, the application of external vibrators is always worth a try unless the material is known to be highly cohesive or elastic or the discharge problem is extremely severe.
Where more severe flow problems occur it is better to install a well-designed internal vibrating flow aid. The most common include:-
In one realisation of these devices, the internal cone contains an air-driven vibrator and mounts inside the existing hopper cone on flexible mounts; examples include the well known “Soliflo” or “Matcon” devices. In other versions (e.g. the “bin activator”) the cone is mounted rigidly inside a conical or dish-shaped replacement hopper bottom, itself mounted on flexible mounts and driven by external vibrator motors. The first type can sometimes be retrofitted to an existing bin, whereas the second type requires the bottom of the hopper to be removed. Either can be designed in to new installation quite effectively.
In either case, the internal cone vibrates much more effectively than a hopper wall with a bolt- on vibrator. This promotes flow of the material right across the hopper from wall to wall, adjacent to the cone, by allowing flow down the surface of the cone and making it impossible for the material to arch between the hopper wall and the moving cone. Provided the diameter of the vibrating cone is nearly as large as the rat-holing dimension of the material, this will promote flow very well.
Vibration is applied continuously or intermittently all the time discharge is required, and when vibration is turned off the material arches between the static cone and the adjacent hopper wall. Again, vibration must not be applied unless the material can discharge freely beneath the cone.
These devices have been used very extensively for a wide range of materials, and found to be successful provided the material is not either highly cohesive or highly elastic, as described above. Sizing of such a device presents a challenge, as selecting too small a unit (below the stable rat-hole dimension of the bulk solid) will result in poor performance. Many suppliers of these units will size the unit in relation to the diameter of the hopper, which is not strictly correct as an approach but usually meets with success for the simple reason that their recommendations often result in the specification of quite large devices; not uncommonly two or three metres across, which is above the maximum stable rat-hole diameter of many bulk solids.
In general, the best advice with these devices is to accept the supplier’s advice if they can show they have used one of the proposed size (or smaller) with the same bulk solid in the past, but be sure that the bulk solid is truly the same. If this cannot be shown, then it is better not to purchase the device until the supplier has proved its effectiveness with a sample of the bulk solid in a test set-up.
Again it is extremely important to ensure that the vibrator control is sequenced so that it cannot be run unless material is being taken away from the space underneath the device.
Some devices are available which consist of screens of perforated plate or similar, mounted parallel to the hopper cone surface on flexible mounts, and driven by an externally mounted vibrator. An example is the Mucon “Promo-Flow”.
Experience with these devices is much less widespread, however they have been shown to be effectiveness with some materials. If contemplating the use of such a device then a trial with the bulk solid to be handled is an absolute necessity.
There are on the market several devices which are effectively square screens or grids of a “louvre” pattern which fit horizontally across the outlet of a hopper, and vibrate to encourage the bulk solid to flow through the grid into a short vibrating chute beneath (examples are the “Hogan bin discharger” and the “Siletta discharge aid”). These work in effectively a similar way to the internal cone devices, promoting flow across their entire upper surface. Similarly to conical devices, to be effective such a device must be above the maximum rat-hole dimension of the bulk solid. Retrofits involve cutting the bottom off the existing hopper. Again a trial is recommended to ensure success with the particular bulk solid to be handled by such a device.
These are probably the second most common flow aid device. In general, aeration is most effective for finer materials, say under 20 to 40 microns median particle size. However, the presence of larger particles in a commodity which consists principally of fines will not compromise the effectiveness of aeration.
Aeration works in three ways:
The “vacuum-breaking” effect is beneficial in almost any situation where a fine powder is being discharged. Even when a mechanical extractor or a mass flow hopper with a large outlet is used, the introduction of a very small amount of air (say a quarter to a third of the volume flow rate of bulk solid) will help keep the flow consistent in rate and density. This should be introduced at a level perhaps a quarter of the way up the cone. However, this approach will not promote flow where the hopper outlet is less than the maximum stable rat-hole diameter of the bulk solid, so is hardly really a flow aid in the terms of this paper.
A higher level of aeration applied at the proper location (between the outlet of the hopper and the rat-hole dimension of the bulk solid) can be used to actively promote flow. With bulk solids which fluidise well (low cohesiveness, hard particles and not too fine a particle size, such as fly ash or cement) the exact means of air injection is less critical than the choice of location; even installations as crude as holes drilled in the wall of the vessel, covered with a disc of filter fabric and with compressed air applied, can be very effective as the air will tend to distribute itself through the bulk solid. Such a crude installation is a cheap emergency retrofit on an existing vessel, whereas in new or properly redesigned installations a more sophisticated approach (as will be described below) is preferable.
With more cohesive materials such as flour, the air tends to make cracks in the material and blow through these without helping promote flow, and such a crude approach does not work. In such cases, aeration pads of sintered metal or plastic, or (better still) flexible fabric are needed to ensure proper distribution of the air. For best effectiveness, these pads need to be mounted all the way down to the outlet of the hopper, and as far up as is required to prevent rat-hole formation. Often, four lines of aeration mounted at 90 degrees to one another in plan view are found to be most effective. On larger installations (perhaps more than a couple of metres across) it is preferable to “zone” the air flow with a timer and solenoid valves to ensure that all pads receive a fair share of the air flow in turn irrespective of how much material is above them and hence the local resistance to air flow.
With the sort of approach described and bulk solids with good fluidisation properties, it is possible to design very large vessels with almost flat cones (fifteen degrees to the horizontal, or less) making very good use of space. However, such installations need very careful design by experts, and are not really in the realm of “flow aids”.
For very fine materials such as titanium dioxide or similar, aeration cannot easily get in between the particles so the “reduced wall friction” effect is most effective, normally by lining the entire hopper cone with large segmented aeration pads. These aeration pads are best made from a good quality needlefelt fabric (as used for airslides) supported by perforated plate; sintered plastic or metal, or porous ceramics, have been used sometimes but tend to blind with the fine particles whereas fabric flexes and releases the particles. This approach is effective, but expensive not only in terms of equipment but also air consumption and maintenance. It can be retrofitted, at a cost. For new installations, the use of gravity-discharge mass flow hoppers is a more cost-effective solution.
These devices are the exception to the general rule that aeration devices only work well with fine powders, since they are often used for coarser materials such as damp minerals. Firing an air cannon releases a small explosion locally to its injector point, dislodging bridged material. They have been used successfully to help move regular bridges of material from specific locations where flow is not reliable. General consensus suggests that they are best applied in situations where a hopper suffers only from local bridging, e.g. near an outlet. They are only really applicable to fairly large vessels where the energy released during firing can dissipate harmlessly, as if confined this energy can cause structural damage to the vessel itself. They can cause compaction of the bulk solid if applied incorrectly especially with fine powders; however their application is not well understood even amongst vendors of these units
For any aeration system, quality of air is of paramount importance. Water in the air, high moisture content which will be taken up by the bulk solid (or for that matter excessively dry air which will dry out the bulk solid) will cause caking of the bulk solid and make the problem worse. Maintenance of water traps etc. is thus critical.
One drawback of using aeration as an active flow promotion device is that it will tend to expand the bulk solid to a low and somewhat variable density, and can lead to variations in discharge rate. Where the absolute value of discharge rate is not terribly important this is not likely to be a problem, but in instances where careful rate control is required, such as when interfacing to a metering feeder, this will cause difficulties in obtaining proper control. (This comment does not apply to the use of aeration at a low level for “vacuum-breaking” as first described, which will help keep the bulk solid to a more consistent density.)
A final point to bear in mind is that aeration (with the exception of blasters) is likely to fail completely when applied to wet, very sticky or coarse materials. In fact it can even make flow problems worse by encouraging drying-out or segregation of such materials.
All the many types of mechanical dischargers have the same objective; to provide a physical gathering and pushing of bulk solid from across a large inlet dimension above, into a small outlet dimension beneath. This promotes flow very well across the inlet area of the device, and provided that the inlet is larger than the maximum rat-hole dimension of the bulk solid, reliable flow is assured.
With mechanical devices, large inlet dimensions can be achieved quite easily, albeit at a cost, so that even very cohesive bulk solids can be handled. In fact it is not uncommon to make the mechanical extractor the full diameter of the vessel so that no convergence is needed on the walls, and such an approach has the added benefit of giving effectively a mass flow discharge pattern in the vessel, thus promoting first-in-first-out storage, and eliminating long-term resident material which can go hard. This is practically a foolproof approach, as the bulk solid cannot hang up anywhere and will always discharge provided the extractor has the power to dig it out. It should be said that this extreme approach is not always required, and some systems work with mechanical extractors of more modest dimensions interfaced to core flow hoppers.
In either event, the point is that these devices can deal with highly cohesive materials which could not be moved by vibration, aeration or other less costly means. In general, they should only be considered where the flowability of the bulk solid is so poor as to make other options (including design for mass flow gravity discharge) impossible or uneconomic.
These work by continuously undermining the inventory in the vessel ahead of the screw, and can cope with most bulk solids including damp materials unless they are either so sticky as to clog the screw flighting, containing long fibres which can wrap themselves around the screw, or lumpy and abrasive which would cause high wear.
They are subject to high forces so are strongly constructed with high-torque drives, hence are very expensive. One of the bigge*st potential problems with such devices is that they produce a rotating stress-field within the silo above, which can very easily destroy the silo unless it has been specially strengthened to an appropriate degree. This makes them almost impossible to retrofit. Screw breakages occasionally are a possibility especially if the screw hits some highly caked material, so it is worthwhile considering the pattern which allow for replacement of the screw without emptying the silo first, in a large installation.
A variation on the sweep augur which can be retrofitted to an existing vessel is the “circular bin discharger”, with an arch-breaker arm inside the cone of the silo driven from a universal joint at the outlet. The length of the arm is almost equal to the slope length of the hopper cone, and rotates slowly, being free to move and undermine the bulk solid. These devices are still expensive, but sometimes can be applied to an existing silo without the need to cut the whole bottom off the vessel. Again they can discharge materials for which gravity-discharge hoppers would be impossible. If intending to use such a device, a trial is essential.
Plough dischargers are not commonly used in the UK; although they offer useful advantages, their relatively poor availability has limited the experience available. Recently the Portasilo “Rotoflow” device has been introduced to fill this gap but it will be some time before wide experience of application is available.
The “walking floor” discharger consists of a flat silo floor divided into several strips, which oscillate alternately to and fro alongside each other. At one end of the assembly there is a gap down which the bulk solid falls when the moving strip retracts, from which it is fed by a screw. The “sliding frame” device again consists of a flat floor, but this time static with a frame sliding backwards and forwards on top of it and encouraging the bulk solid to fall into a slot across the middle of the floor, where again it is taken away by a screw. In each case the discharger mechanism is invariably the full size of the silo plan so there is no converging section.
This type of discharger was mainly developed to deal with bulk solids of the most severe flow characteristics, such as high water content, compressible, highly cohesive materials (e.g. partially dewatered sewage sludge, paper pulp waste etc.) which cannot be handled by any other means. As such they are capable of dealing effectively with these materials, but the equipment cost is very high. These should be considered only when dealing with the most extreme cases of poor flowability.
Gravity is very reliable in itself - it never breaks down or needs maintenance. However, the amount of work available from gravity is strictly limited according to the height available. That means that for bulk solids which are cohesive, and which hence require a significant work input to deform them in flowing down a hopper cone, some care is needed to ensure that gravity alone can overcome the strength of the material.
With relatively free flowing materials, the short height of a cone on a core flow hopper yields enough work to make the material flow reliably. However for materials which have significant internal strength, the outlet size needed for reliable gravity core flow usually becomes unacceptably large (usually half a metre or more, often over a metre). In addition, the last material to be discharged in core flow will have been in static residence since the hopper was first filled (first-in-last-out), so if the material has any tendency to gain strength with time, this last material out will have become very strong in the intervening period and thus very hard to discharge.
It is in these two respects that mass flow comes into its own:-
There are sometimes other considerations which would lead to a preference for mass flow discharge anyway, principally:-
However, setting those aside and looking at the problem purely from the point of view of reliable discharge, mass flow really comes into its own when dealing with materials which have a significant gain in strength with time. By disturbing the whole contents every time some material is discharged, and giving a “FIFO” discharge, such materials are handled far more effectively than any discharge aid on a core flow hopper ever could. In fact with highly time- dependent materials, it is probably futile to spend any significant amount of time trying out discharge aids. A decision to convert to mass flow will probably be the most cost-effective solution in the long term, even though it usually means cutting the cone off the hopper and fitting a new one, together with losing some vessel capacity to give the steeper cone walls needed.
There are two principal criticisms often levelled at mass flow:-
It will of course be appreciated that converting an existing vessel to mass flow can be an expensive exercise (often more costly than fitting discharge aids). However, engineering it into a new vessel is relatively cheap, and it is a very low maintenance option - for this reason it is especially worth looking at for new vessels, particularly for highly time-dependent materials as described above.
The ultimate limitation on mass flow is when the bulk solid is so poorly flowing as to require wall slopes near to vertical; in such cases a full-live-bottom with a mechanical discharger the width of the silo is indicated, as described in the section on mechanical devices.
Another way of giving gravity a helping hand is to reduce the amount of work it has to do on the bulk solid during discharge, by reducing the friction between the bulk solid and the hopper wall. Where a hopper is “nearly there” in giving mostly quite reliable flow, this can sometimes be an option, however the choice of lining material is not as straightforward as some vendors of linings would make out.
To take some examples, ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylenes can be very good for some bulk solids (especially damp or wet ones) but bad for others (hard, angular ones); however the precise grade of polyethylene can make a difference and the grade which is best for some bulk solids will not be the best for others. In the same way, stainless steel can be very good for some bulk solids (not because it is inherently smoother than carbon steel, but because it doesn’t rust and become rough when no flow is occurring) - however, choosing the grade of surface finish is extremely important as a mill finish (No. 1 finish) stainless is rougher than a mill finish carbon steel!
The important point is that to choose a “low friction lining” sensibly, some friction tests with the bulk solid against some different lining options are required. Fortunately the cost of wall friction testing alone is trivial compared with the cost of lining even a modest sized hopper, making it an economic exercise.
A word of warning is in order at this point however, regarding the limits of low friction linings; as stated above, they are at their best with “nearly there” hoppers. If a hopper is nearly mass flow, reducing friction will make it mass flow, likewise if it is firmly in the core flow region but almost self-drains then the lining will aid discharge of the last part of the contents. Remember, however, that installing a lining will reduce the transmission of vibration from the outer wall, thus reducing the effectiveness of any external vibrators.
It seems strange to suggest that putting something in the way of the flow channel can actually improve flow, yet in some cases this can be so. The simplest insert is a plain “Chinese hat” suspended in the hopper cone above the outlet, reducing the consolidation pressure on the bulk solid near the outlet and hence making it more free-flowing. More sophisticated is a cone within the hopper cone and the same way up, but with walls somewhat steeper; this can promote mass flow in cones which otherwise would not mass flow. Other insert shapes have been used and shown to be useful.
However the reality of using inserts is that whilst they are often useful to improve the flow pattern in a bin discharging a fairly free-flowing material, they are of limited use with cohesive materials. Both academic research, and practical experience, have a long way to go before the use of inserts can be recognised as anything like a reliable solution to problems of unreliable discharge.
It is surprising how many cases actually offer the possibility of changing the flow properties of the bulk solid to ease a discharge problem in a hopper. In the food industries it is very common to add a “flow additive” to a product for retail sale in order to render it more freel flowing, thus giving the consumer an easier material to handle and also easing problems in packaging machinery etc. Salt, grated cheese, flavourings etc. are often treated in this way and although the additives are quite wide-ranging, many act in the same way - to provide a coating of small, hard particles on the surfaces of the softer main particles, preventing the main particles from touching and sticking together. The levels of addition and distribution of the fine “flow additive” need to be very carefully controlled to get the best effect, and any chemical effects of the contamination caused by the flow additives must be considered.
Another approach is to control the moisture content. For example, sugar is “conditioned” (a slow, gentle but very searching drying process) to a low moisture content to prevent it from caking in storage. A further approach is to granulate the material (by spray drying, pelletising etc.) to reduce its surface area, thereby reducing its cohesive strength.
All these approaches are known technology, however their utility is usually dictated by the context. For example, if supplying a poorly flowing powder of high value to many customers who then have trouble in handling it, it will be economic for the producer to improve the flow characteristics of the powder. Likewise if reclaiming a blend of low-value mineral from a coarse stockpile, mixed with fines from screening together with ultra-fines settled from a lagoon, it may be worthwhile dumping the ultra-fines instead of reclaiming them, to make the balance of the reclaimed material easier to handle. By contrast, if the problem relates to one hopper in a process plant where the bulk solid is quite closely defined, it will probably be better to adjust the hopper to suit the bulk solid.
From the above it will be clear that the choice of approach to improving flow in hoppers is very much dictated by the circumstances. To sum up, the following table may be useful to indicate what approaches have proved, in the experience of the author, to be most successful in which circumstances:-
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and achievement across our collective industries, are now open to all companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry. This exciting opportunity will comprise awards in nine categories: the Innovation in Technology Award, the innovation in Safety Award, the Inovation in Technology Award the Export Award, the Sustainability Awards, the Newcomer Award, Supporter of the year award, the apprentice prize award and the SHAPA Company of the Year Award. The awards are open for application from the 1st December 2024 and full details on how to enter your company or colleague and applicable conditions are available on the association website but please act quickly – the closing date for all entries is 28th February 2025
When it comes to monitoring smoke and dust emissions,
understanding the right particulate matter (PM) measurement technique is
essential. Both smoke and dust fall under the category of PM, which can be
measured using various methods, including Opacity and Triboelectric
detection. The choice of the most suitable technique depends on several
factors, including the specific requirements of your installation and
regulatory guidelines.
Are you interested in enhancing your Sales and negotiation skills, or looking to move into sales. Shapa are running a Sales training workshop which is perfect for customer-facing staff that have never had any sales training or for colleagues who want to refresh their skills. for more information and how to book down load the flyer from the SHAPA webpage
Nearly 20 years have passed since SHAPA first published
their Practical Guide for Suppliers and Operators of Solids Handling
Equipment for Potentially Explosive Dusts—a cornerstone document for
ensuring compliance with ATEX regulations. Endorsed by a foreword from the
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), the guide demonstrated best practices to
address the risk of dust explosions comprehensively, an area previously
overlooked in explosion safety.
Dust generation is an inevitable byproduct of most bulk
material handling systems. Even seemingly harmless food products can create
dust that poses health risks. Inhalation of dust particles can harm the
lungs, and when combined with air in certain proportions, many organic
materials become a potential explosion hazard. For this reason, dust
collection, air filtration, regular cleanup of spilled or settled dust, and
selecting the right air handling equipment are critical for any operation
involved in bulk materials storage, handling, or processing.
Once again SHAPA is holding a digital marketing workshop in conjuntion with Hallam on the 19th November for the 16th Sucessive year. subjects this time include, Key trends in digital marketing, LinkedIn - best practices for B2B, Organic SEO, Google Ads for B2B, Google Analytics, Search including the use of Social media and video Aps, Best practices and easy to use tools, follow the link above for more information and how to book on to the course.
Size reduction is an ancient process, dating back to
when grains were crushed and ground to make flour. Today, size reduction
equipment still mills harvested materials, but it also processes a wide
range of food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and mined materials. Each industry
comes with its unique requirements, and each product presents its own
challenges. This is where the expertise of SHAPA members comes in—they have
the solutions to meet all your size reduction needs.
SHAPA continues to support the success of its members and it was pleased to be able co-sponsor the celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Wolfson Centre for bulk solids handling at the university of Greenwich on the 1st August. The day started with a quarterly SHAPA meeting with many of our members in attendance.
Due to overwhelming demand for the Atex and Dsear workshop we are running a Third workshop on the 28th November, and is designed for anyone involved in working or supplying equipment into potentially explosive environments in the solids and Bulk handling industry, follow the link for the relevant information and booking form
Most products at some stage of their life during production or manufacture, utilise materials in powder or granulated form. This is where the challenge can be for the designers of equipment and processes to move these types of materials from place to place, horizontally, vertically or somewhere in between. The conveyor or elevator designer must consider a multitude of parameters, probably more than twenty in their pursuit of the most effective solution...
The Solids Handling & Processing Association has indeed
achieved significant milestones over its four-decade journey, evolving from
a modest beginning in 1981 with just seven companies to a robust network of
over 100 organisations dedicated to advancing solutions in solids and bulk
handling. As SHAPA reflects on the past achievements, it is essential to
acknowledge the collective efforts that have propelled the organisation to
its current standing as an industry leader...
Once again SHAPA is holding a digital marketing workshop in conjuntion with Hallam on the 23rd May for the 16th Sucessive year. subjects this time include, Key trends in digital marketing, LinkedIn - best practices for B2B, Organic SEO, Google Ads for B2B, Google Analytics, Search including the use of Social media and video Aps, Best practices and easy to use tools follow the link above for more information and how to book on to the course.
The Solids Handling & Processing Association is now
well into its fifth decade of continuous progress. From its initial start in
1981, with only seven member
companies, it has
become the premier trade association
for the solids and bulk handling industry.
From its early beginnings, looking to represent member
companies in trade shows, SHAPA has
developed into a portal for technical information, training, governmental
interaction, health and safety initiatives, networking forums and of course
the hosting of the Annual Solids Handling Awards.
Although the members change due to
retirements, acquisitions, and mergers - new members continue to join,
keeping the membership well above one hundred members.
Back in April 2014
when I became the General Secretary of SHAPA, taking over from John
Whitehead who had held the role for a
decade before me, it was very daunting but also an honour to be allowed to
be the latest custodian. Throughout my time in office we have embraced new
technology within the SHAPA membership and come to terms with the ever
changing way in which to market ourselves as the digital revolution has
taken hold. We also started the Solids Handling Awards
with an
initial five awards in 2015 This has
grown to nine award categories this year, as well as recognising those
individuals who have made a major contribution to the Industry...
Due to overwhelming demand for the Atex and Dsear workshop we are running a second workshop on the 24th septemeber, follow the link for the relevant information and booking form
requests from the membership The SHAPA Technical Committee have arranged an
introduction to ATEX and DESAR workshop on the 6th June
especially for the members and will be designed for anyone involved in
working or supplying equipment into potentially explosive environments in
the solids and Bulk handling industry.
While organisations are having to consider improving their carbon footprint through solar panels, better heating controls and electrifying their fleet of vehicles to meet their customers’ requirements to have a green supply chain. An easy win is to look at the automation of your system and processes. By upgrading your systems not only do you improve your green credentials you can also save energy thereby reducing costs and increasing your operational efficiency...
Please find a link to the agenda for the next SHAPA General meeting to be held at the george Hotel in Lichfield on the 17th January
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to
announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and
achievement across our collective industries, opens on the 1st
December 2023 to all
companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are
directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry.
This exciting opportunity will comprise awards in nine categories:
the Innovation in Technology Award, the Innovation in Safety Award, the
Innovation in Training and Development Award, the Export Award, the Sustainability Award, the Newcomer Award,
the Apprentice Prize Award, Supporter Award and the SHAPA
Company of the Year Award.
Please find a link to the agenda for the next SHAPA general meeting to be held at the George Hotel in Lichfield on the 1st November
SHAPA have put together a HR workshop has been exclusively designed for SHAPA members to improve the awareness of HR for non-financial managers and those who are new to finance and accounts. It will be facilitated by Quest our Business helpline providers, The training covers all the main areas needed to understand HR issues and covers the following main topics...
It is well established that the SHAPA membership comprises many exceptional companies in bulk materials handling and processing, their combined experience and knowledge amounting to a few centuries. All this knowledge is freely via the SHAPA website . This website is an invaluable resource for all end users, project engineers, design engineers and specifiers engaged in new projects, updating plant and installations, or simply looking for life extending efficient maintenance...
Once again SHAPA is holding a digital marketing workshop in conjuntion with Hallam on the 10th October for the 15th Sucessive year. subjects this time include, Key trends in digital marketing, AI for digital marketing, Analytics , Account based marketing , The future of search and e-prvacy as well as the normal question and answer sessions. for more information follow the title link above.
Size reduction is one of the oldest processes known to
man from before time when grains were pounded and ground to make flour. Size
reduction machines still mill harvested materials but also a vast variety of
other food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and mined materials too. Every
industry has its own requirements and every product presents its own
challenges; this is where the expertise within the SHAPA membership have the
solutions to all your size reduction requirements.
Please find a link to the agenda for the next SHAPA general meeting to be held in Lichfield on the 12th July
year was very much a year of consolidation and subtle change – at least for
many parts of the UK economy, and indeed for many at an individual level.
Trends such as “on-shoring” – or the reverse of “off-shoring” - started to
bear fruit. Many “low cost” economies had begun to lose their pricing
advantage in manufacturing. As an example, labour rates in industrial parts
of China post Covid were beginning to chase those of USA. Furthermore,
increasing transport costs from far flung places were allowing home grown
industry to compete more robustly.
Last year when I stood in from of the SHAPA Annular General Meeting, things looked pretty grim. In fact it’s easy to forget just how grim. We had just witnessed outbreak of war in Europe, for the first time in 70 years. Energy prices were exploding and there were threats of a cold winter with no Russian gas. There was potential for global food shortages, and threats of nuclear Armageddon. Brexit was causing a lot of problems with components and materials import and export...
2023 has once again been an excellent year for the
Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of solids and
material handling, all the nominations for these awards show the strength
and depth of the solids handling industry and we thank all the nominees for
sharing their own successes. SHAPA is pleased to announce the winners of
this year’s awards which include two new categories, Innovation in Safety
and Innovation in Training and Development
SHAPA have put together a finance workshop has been
exclusively designed for SHAPA members to improve the awareness of finance
and accounting for non-financial managers and those who are new to finance
and accounts. It will be facilitated by Mathew Jaques, Mathew is a qualified
Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor who has inside knowledge of
the Bulk Solids Industry as well as experience in the large accounting
organisations. The training covers all the main areas needed to understand
financial reporting and covers the following main topics. Financial
management essentials
It is well known that an elegant design that works reliably, is devoid of baulking obstructions and ambiguities and is simple to understand and operate, is of necessity the result of ingenuity, experience, good applied science and engineering. Crucially the designers will have taken the time to learn about the owners’ and operators’ materials, processes and needs. SHAPA has been promoting design excellence in solids handling and processing machinery and techniques for more than Forty years and the latest manifestation of this progressive focused thinking may be seen in the SHAPA website
Please find a link to the agenda for our next SHAPA
general meeting to be held in the George Hotel Lichfield on the 22nd
February 2023. In addition to a Q&A slot from Jack Semple at EAMA we also
have a new member introduction presentation as well as speakers from
UK Export Finance and the Department for International Trade.
Recently the SHAPA technical committee have reviewed the information available and updated the advice given in the two publications within the SHAPA technical library available at these being Compliance with Legislation Implementing the Atex directive and an Atex PowerPoint presentation
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to
announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and
achievement across our collective industries, opens on the 1st
December 2022 to all
companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are
directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry.
This exciting opportunity will comprise awards in eight categories:
the Innovation in Technology Award, the Innovation in Safety Award, the
Innovation in Training and Development Award, the Export Award, the Sustainability Award, the Newcomer Award,
the Apprentice Prize Award and the SHAPA
Company of the Year Award.
used to be that all you needed to store your materials was a large area
where your product could be piled high on top of itself out in the open air.
As time has moved forward the need for more sophisticated storage solutions
are required in order to safely store the ever increasing range of bulk
solid materials with their differing properties. In order to achieve this a
more technical approach is required for the design of your storage
Good Morning All
I’m writing this to you today having just returned from
holiday. I’m sure you are all as saddened as I was to hear of the
passing of The Queen last week, even if not entirely surprised. The
Monarchy is not something that we think about every day in business, but I
do think Queen Elizabeth has been an enduring, recognisable symbol of our
country around the world for all of our lifetimes. Prime Minsters come
and go, and most people abroad wouldn’t know the name of our current PM if
you asked them – but almost everyone in the world knew who The Queen was.
She performed well in acting as a focus for national identity, unity and
pride, giving a sense of stability and continuity above the revolving door
of political leaders.
The current difficulties we face are perhaps the worst
we have seen in our lifetime – soaring inflation, energy shortage,
rock-bottom confidence in the future, severe damage to trade and labour by
our badly conceived and unfinished Brexit, and an unpredictable war in
Europe, to say nothing of the worsening crisis of climate change.
Getting through these will stretch our politicians and all of us as business
people; but as we do our best to lead our companies through the tough times,
we’ll have a new monarch who I am confident will do his best to show the
world that Britain is still open for business, communication and culture.
Charles III has a tough act to follow, but in spite of his failings he does
have a lifetime track record of service to community, charity and worthwhile
causes, so I think his heart is in the right place, and he has a sound
foundation on which to build – so I think he’ll be an asset to our country.
So I say to you all – God rest The Queen. And God
save The King.
SHAPA are once again holding the 14 th Digital Marketing Workshop, this highly successful event helps keep pace with the latest developments in Digital Marketing. The event is exclusively for member companies and covers, whats new in Digital Marketing, Google analytics (GA4), how to create a marketing strategy, and measuring what matters to name but a few of the areas to be covered. For more information follow the link above.
There are many types of valves used within the bulk handling industry for controlling, conditioning or diverting the flow of powders or liquids. There are three main types of valves, these being shut off, diverter and rotary valves. These types of valves are use in a variety of many differing applications, some products are used to feed or discharge mixers or other processing vessels...
The following events have now been arranged
UKCA Workshop 5th
October 2022
UKCA Workshop 12th
October 2022
SHAPA General Meeting 2nd November 2022
Marketing Workshop 17th November 2022
More details to follow soon
Shapa are holding the 14 th Digital Marketing Workshop, this highly successful event helps keep pace with the latest developments in Digital marketing. The event is exclusively for member companies and covers, whats new in Digital Marketing, Google analytics, Online advertising, and your Digital Marketing Toolbox to name but a few of the areas to be covered more details to follow soon
Virtually all bulk materials handling systems generate dust. Even dusty foodstuffs are a hazard to health. Such dust can damage the lungs and, when suspended in air in the right ratios, many organic materials are an explosion risk. Therefore dust collection, air filtration, cleaning up of spilled or settled dust and correct choice of air handling equipment are essential considerations for any bulk materials storage, handling or processing operation.
Why not join us for our next shapa general meeting to be held on the 13th July at the George Hotel in Lichfield starting at 10:00. Along with a couple of member speakers and an oppertunity to network, we will also have an external speaker on the implementation of the UKCA mark and how to keep up with the directive. Directly following the general meeting and lunch we will be hoilding a joint technical and marketing meeting. Why not come along and meet face to face with your colleagues from the industry, for further details contact Ian Birkinshaw on
2022 has once again been an excellent year for the
Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of solids and
material handling, all the nominations for these awards show the strength
and depth of the solids handling industry and we thank all the nominees for
sharing their own successes. SHAPA is pleased to announce the winners of
this year’s awards which include two new categories, the Sustainability
award and the Apprentice Prize award
It is well established that the SHAPA membership comprises many exceptional companies in bulk materials handling and processing, their combined experience amounting to many centuries of knowledge. All these companies are showcased within the SHAPA website and along with the equipment finder is the go-to place for all of your bulk and solids handling requirements...
Shapa are holding the 14 th Digital Marketing Workshop, this highly successful event helps keep pace with the latest developments in Digital marketing. The event is exclusively for member companies and covers, whats new in Digital Marketing, Google analytics, Online advertising, and your Digital Marketing Toolbox to name but a few of the areas to be covered.
Shapa will be holding its 2022 AGM on the 27th April 2022 in the evening at the Brooklands Museum in Weighbridge which is open for members of the association. please find a link to the AGM notice, if you wish to attend the Agm please email for a booking form
Smoke and dust are both known as particulate matter . These particles can be measured via a number of different techniques, including Opacity and Triboelectric effect. Opacity is a measure of light attenuated as it crosses a stack....
The next general meeting for SHAPA members will take place virtually using the zoom platform at 10:00am on wednesday 19th January 2022 in addition to the normal business we have three presentations for the meeting. click the link to download the Agenda for the meeting if you need login details please email
With articles and information from across the industry, the new SHAPA Supplement is a must read to find out whats positive about our industry, open up the link today and keep upto date
Due to the increase in the number of Covid cases over the Christmas and new year period it has been agreed that the SHAPA meetings in January and Feburary will now be transferred to online meetings. login details and the Agenda will be issued in due course.
A Happy New year to you all and lets stay safe in 2022
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to
announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and
achievement across our collective industries, opens on the 1st
December 2021 to all
companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are
directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry.
This exciting opportunity will comprise awards in six categories:
the Innovation Award, the Export Award, the Sustainability Awards, the Newcomer Award,
the apprentice prize award and the SHAPA
Company of the Year Award.
It used to be that all you needed to store your materials was a large area where your product could be piled high on top of itself out in the open air. As time moved forward the need for more sophisticated storage solutions were required to safely store the ever-increasing range of bulk solid materials with their different characteristics. ...
OWNERSHIP is being organised by ABTO, The objective of the course is to
raise awareness amongst bulk terminal buyers of the need to behave in a
better-informed way and equipment suppliers to understand the operational
needs of the equipment they are supplying.
SHAPA will be holding a 40th anniversary celebration lunch and awards presentation on the 22nd september 2021. The celebration is to be held at the George Hotel in Lichfield. for further details download the event invitation and booking form The event is free to attend for Shapa Members.
- Selecting the most suitable dust control equipment is not an easy task. Many manufacturers will encourage businesses to buy equipment that happens to be in their own product portfolio; but is it always the right equipment for the job?
We have confirmed with the George Hotel in Lichfield that the gereral meeting will be able to take place in person on the 7th July. if you wish to attend please let the General Secretary Ian Birkinshaw know on we look forward to seeing everyone again
For more than a century there have been efforts to improve air quality in the working environment, both in enclosed factories and other industrial areas. Even with scant knowledge of respiratory diseases it had been clear that people were more productive in a cleaner and better environment.
2021 has once again been an excellent year for the Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of solids and material handling, all of the nominations for these awards show the strength and depth of the solids handling industry and we thank all the nominees for sharing their own successes.
Well, what a year that was! One we’ll never forget.
Our conversation has been dominated by a vocabulary that a short time ago would never have been dreamt of – Covid, Lockdown, R-number, and of course . . . Brexit! The Chinese have an adage “It’s not good to live in interesting times”...2021 has once again been an excellent year for the Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of solids and material handling, all of the nominations for these awards show the strength and depth of the solids handling industry and we thank all the nominees for sharing their own successes...
Most products at some stage of their life during production or manufacture, utilise materials in powder or granulated form. This is where the challenge can be for the designers of equipment and processes to move these types of materials from place to place, either horizontally, vertically, or somewhere in between....
Shapa are holding the 13th Digital Marketing Workshop, this highly successful event helps keep pace with the latest developments in Digital marketing. The event is exclusively for member companies and covers, 2021 Digital Marketing trends, Tips for merketing in a downturn, how to run effective online events, lead generation, social selling B2B to name but a few of the areas to be covered...
The details for BULKEX 2021 have been announced, with a pronounced
technical emphasis, the conference is focusing on current and impending
opportunities and achievements in the bulk materials handling industry.
The two-day event on 12th & 13th October 2021 has a packed programme of
inspiring speakers planned to deliver insights on topical technical issues
and pending projects.
With articles and information from across the industry, the new SHAPA Supplement is a must read to find out whats positive about our industry, open up the link today and keep upto date
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and achievement across our collective industries, are now open to all companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry. This exciting opportunity will comprise awards in four categories: the Innovation Award, the Export Award, the Newcomer Award and the SHAPA Company of the Year Award. The awards are open for applications from the 1st December 2020 the closing date for all entries is 28th February 2021for more information check out the link
organisations have had to realign their products and services to meet the
restrictions imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic many have been faced with also
having to quickly automate their systems and procedures to cope with the
uncertainty in the labour market due to the continual changes in guidance
from the authorities. One of the main ways to bring automation into the
workplace is to enhance your existing control systems.
ATEX fans are fans designed for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and are governed by EU Directive 2014/34/EU. This Directive is intended to increase safety by using a logical risk identification and mitigation method for design manufacture and use...
With the total lockdown released by the UK government and being replaced with a more targeted approach, UK and European organisations are starting to get back to working more productively. However, as the overall situation has not yet stabilised with new Covid spikes being found across Europe and the deepening crisis in the Americas, Middle East and India, exporting and importing is going to be significantly different going forward...
It is well established that the SHAPA membership comprises many
exceptional companies in bulk materials handling and processing, their
combined experience and knowledge amounting to a few centuries. All are
merely a few “clicks” away on the SHAPA website . This
is an invaluable resource for all project engineers and specifiers
engaged in new projects, updating plant and installations, or simply
looking for life extending efficient maintenance.
This leading
resource is continually evolving with new technical papers being added all
the time...
With the lockdown starting to be released in the UK, Europe and the wider world companies are starting to get back to working productively. However, things are looking different going forward. With a vaccine that may be six to eighteen months away or not at all if you read some scientific journals new ways of working are needed to ensure that we continue to be profitable going forward.
The long term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is looking to be widespread
and lingering. With the repercussions of lock down, social distancing and
furloughing staff likely to affect every industry in very different and
unexpected ways.
SHAPA as an integeral part of the LEV Industry Forum - Competency Working Group have together produced a LEV knowledge guidance matrix for key roles in the LEV industry highlighting the requirements for each role and where to find the appropriate information needed to fulfil the role. further information can be found on the The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers ( cibse) website link
This year the Solids Handling Industry Award Ceremony has been held using an online Zoom Platform, showing that despite the lockdown and the changes in working practices the SHAPA community continues to work together to develop new and exciting products, export all over the world, develop our young people and celebrate the successes of our industry. The winners of the 2020 Solids handing Industry awards are:-.....
It is with great sadness that we report the death of our much loved and respected colleague and friend Dr Rob Berry after suffering a long battle with cancer. He will be remembered by the bulk materials handling industry for his great expertise in powder flowability and by his friends and colleagues for his kindness, patience and humour...
I am trying to make the most of these difficult times by staying active
and encouraging a positive mindset. Given my school has now closed, I will
continue to to try to make the most of my education, and keep up to date
with work my school have been providing me with online.
As an Arkwright
scholar, and am taking advantage of any extra time to learn about
engineering, and keep up to date with any new advancements made in
I hope everybody keeps well
2020 has once again been an excellent year for the Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of solids and material handling, all of the nominations for these awards show the strength and depth of the solids handling industry and we thank all the nominees for sharing their own successes...
Following the recent announcements regarding the current Coronavirus and its implications on travel and meetings, the SHAPA council have agreed to postpone the Annual AGM and Awards Dinner for this year until we feel that the situation has come under control and the advice from the government has been relaxed. We also intend to cancel face to face meetings until the advice changes, we are sure that within your own businesses you are taking similar precautions....
Due to the current situation regarding the Coronavirus outbreak, the council have agreed to cancel the Awards dinner which was due to take place on the 22nd April. arrangements are being made to carry on with the Awards presentations and AGM further details to follow
The need for solid health and safety systems, procedures and practices are more important than ever as we move out of the European and Customs union into the wider world sometimes using the World Trade Organisation rules for the global market. While it is hoped that in time that the UK will negotiate reciprocal trade agreements with many of our trading partners throughout the world, there is a need to make sure we do not miss out on opportunities during this period of change....
The 2020 Solids Handling Industry Awards Dinner is being held at the Brookland Museum in Weybridge on the 22nd April 2020. Dont miss out on the prestegious Black tie dinner with two free places for members, download the booking form today and guarantee your place. Download the booking form today
Shapa are holding the 12 th Digital Marketing Workshop, this highly successful event helps keep pace with the latest developments in Digital marketing. The event is exclusively for member companies and covers, whats new in Digital Marketing, Google analytics, Online advertising, and your Digital Marketing Toolbox to name but a few of the areas to be covered...
Size reduction is one of the oldest processes known to man from before time when grains were pounded and ground to make flour. Size reduction machines still mill harvested materials but also a vast variety of other food, chemical, pharmaceutical and mined materials too...
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and achievement across our collective industries, are now open to all companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry. This exciting opportunity will comprise awards in four categories: the Innovation Award, the Export Award, the Newcomer Award and the SHAPA Company of the Year Award...
SHAPA Council Member James Podevyn and Ian Birkinshaw attended the Arkwright scholarship presentation event in Edinburgh to welcome our new Arkwright scholar Theo Cains to the Association
Over the past months The SHAPA technical committee have reviewed the information available and updated the advice given in the two publications within the SHAPA technical library available at these being Compliance with Legislation Implementing the Atex directive and an Atex PowerPoint presentation....
Wherever solid particulates are handled, processed, stored or are
created, as a bi product of a process such as machining or finishing, dust
is usually generated.
This dust needs to be controlled to prevent risks
to health and environmental damage...
Industry 4.0 is reported to be the next major revolution in industrialisation. The main focus is to take all the individual processes and systems that are used in manufacturing to manage and control production, and import them into a cloud-based system This allows the workflow, product changes and the management of each and every individual machine or a series of machines can be controlled remotely...
Georgina Edwards, SHAPAs Arkwright Scholar has sucessfully passed her A levels with flying colours and is now bound for Loughborough University to continue on with her studies. We wish her well in the future and pass on our congratulations and best wishes.
Shapa has been working with Santander to help organise a World Food India 19 trade mission to take place on the 1- 4th November 2019, for more information please download the flyer here
Most products at some stage of their life during production or manufacture, utilise materials in powder or granulated form. This is where the challenge can be for the designers of equipment and processes to move these types of materials from place to place, horizontally, vertically or somewhere in between. The conveyor or elevator designer must consider a multitude of parameters, probably more than twenty in their pursuit of the most effective solution....
There are many types of valves used within the bulk handling industry for controlling, conditioning or diverting the flow of powders or liquids. There are three main types of valves, these being shut off, diverter and rotary valves.
2019 has once again been an excellent year for the
Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of solids and
material handling, these successes have produced a strong shortlist for each
of this years award categories. This year the award categories are, Solids
Handling Export Award, Solids Handling Innovation Award, Solids Handling
Newcomer Award and Solids Handling Company of the year award. The
shortlisted nominations for each award category are:-
Bookings are now being taken for the 2019 Solids Handling Industry Awards
evening. This year the awards are being held at the Royal Armouries in Leeds
on the evening of the 8th May. Once again one delegate from each member
company can attend the AGM and dinner free of charge, with additional
delegates paying a nominal fee to cover the evening meal.
SHAPA is proud to be involved with International Women’s Day on the 8th March to celebrate and promote successes in the world of Solids Handling and Processing. International Women’s Day provides a spotlight to showcase the commitment to women's equality, launch new initiatives and action, celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness, highlight gender parity gains and more.
Most common manufacturing applications have a requirement for the use of Industrial metal detection systems for the inspection of bulk powders, granular or free flowing products. This is common place within the majority of most Food, Pharmaceutical and O.E.M applications where metal detection systems are used as part of a quality control programme.
The terminology ‘mixing’ and ‘blending’ is often grouped together as the same process, technically they are slightly different. The process of blending is the homogenous distribution of differing materials and is usually a relatively gentle process. Whereas mixing is usually a more aggressive process involving the combining of materials through the beating or stirring of the contents within a static vessel...
SHAPA are holding the workshop to give designers of machinery the knowledge and tools to design safe machinery in accordance with current Machinery and associated directives. it will also include a section on any implications as a result of the brexit agreements...
Shapa are holding the 11 th Digital Marketing Workshop, this highly successful event helps keep pace with the latest developments in Digital marketing. The event is exclusively for member companies and covers, whats new in Digital Marketing, Google analytics, Online advertising, and your Digital Marketing Toolbox to name but a few of the areas to be covered...
Agenda for the SHAPA General Meeting- Wednesday 16th January 2019 at 10:00 am
The George Hotel
WS13 6PR
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes and Matters Arising
3. General Secretary’s and Membership Report
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Technical Committee Report
6. Marketing Committee Report
7. Coffee
8. Presentations
Imagineering – A New project
Bob Shanks - Imagineering Foundation
Maximising your innovations
Tony Cassidy- The MPA Group
9. AOB – and dates of next Meetings
10. Buffet lunch
The Solids Handling & Processing Association (SHAPA) are delighted to announce that the annual Solids Handling Awards to promote success and achievement across our collective industries, that are open to all companies registered in UK, whether SHAPA members or not, who are directly involved in the solids handling and processing industry...
The 2019 Solids handling Industry awards are oepn form the 1st December 2018, the Catagories are Innovation, Export, Newcomer and Company of the Year. This year the Awards Ceremony will be held at the Royal Armories in leeds on the 8th May 2019. Don't miss out on these prestigious
As this year’s exhibition season is now ending it is very heartening to see that despite competition from other media, internet and so on, the physical exhibition remains an important marketing tool. Three of the exhibitions held this autumn, Recycled Waste Management (RWM), PPMA and BULKEX18 for Bulk Handling equipment providers and processors demonstrated the wide reach of our remit, from raw material production, via processing and manufacture, packaging and distribution through to final recycling and waste disposal...
The date for the next Digital Marketing workshop has been announced as the 26th March 2019 at the East Midlands Hilton Hotel more details to follow.
Shapa is running a new Introduction to Bulk Handling Workshop to be held at Nestle in york on the 4th December 2018. This workshop is specifically designed to take some of the mystique out of solids and bulk handling...The course which
is aimed at those who have just joined the bulk handling community and those who already work in the bulk handling industry in sales, marketing, accounts and operations etc. who feel that they need a deeper understanding of how
their products and services fit into the wider environment....
It is well known that an elegant design that works reliably is devoid of baulking obstructions and ambiguities and is simple to understand and operate. It is, of necessity, the result of ingenuity, experience, good applied science and engineering....
For more than a century there have been efforts to improve air quality in the working environment, both in enclosed factories and other industrial areas. Even with scant knowledge of respiratory diseases it had been clear that people were more productive in a cleaner and better environment....
The catagories for the 2019 Solids Handling Industry Awards have been Finalised, these are, Innovation, Export, Newcomer and Company of the Year. The presentation of the awards will be on the 30th April 2019. A venue will be announced shortly
It used to be that all you needed to store your materials was a large area where your product could be piled high on top of its self out in the open air. As time has moved forward the need for more sophisticated storage solutions are required in order to safely store the ever-increasing range of bulk solid materials with their differing properties .....
The next SHAPA General meeting is on the 4th July at the George Hotel Lichfield download the agenda here
What an incredible experience competing at the National Finals of the F1 in Schools competition. Throughout 2 days of intense competition and jam packed action, Ginetta Racing Edu earnt the ‘Team Sponsorship and Marketing’ award, as well as being nominated for the ‘Pit Display’ and ‘Innovation’ awards, and having the second fastest car! Read the full article here
Since time immemorial progress has been driven by innovation and invention and the desire to continually improve and better ones self. The desire to learn, improve and push at boundaries is an integral part of our nature. Whilst innovation in solids handling and processing seldom hits the headlines, it nonetheless drives the machinery of progress across an enormous range of industries.....
2018 has been an excellent year for the Solids Handling industry with many successes in all areas of Solids Handling, these successes have produced a strong shortlist for each of the award categories. this year the sortlisted entrys are ....
10th Anniversary Digital Marketing Workshop
Details of the 10th annual digital marketing workshop have been released,download the flyer for the event here and a
booking form to make sure you do not miss out on this vital workshop which will give you the tools to improve your digital marketing profile
The need for solid health and safety systems procedures and practices is more important than ever as we move out of the European and customs union into World Trade Organisation rules for the global market read more here....
Many companies are founded on the back of an innovative idea by forward thinking people skilled in design, engineering, project management, marketing or other discipline. Whilst still small, the skills required to operate all aspects may possibly be gained by the founder. In former, less complicated times this may have been true as the firm expanded, but the pace of change of technology, standards and legislation as well as in marketing and particularly in financial accounting necessitates constant learning and improvement. The huge range of applications and processes served by our industry just adds to this challenge.....
Reaching the end of a very busy Christmas term, we have lots to look back on, such as assisting backstage with the school play and Christmas concert, as well as designing and manufacturing the F1 in Schools Car....
The next General meeting will be held on the 24th January at the George Hotel in Lichfield starting at 10:00
Find out about OEE and GDPR, along with all the usual networking oppertunities.
for more details email Ian at and download the
Shapa has launched the 2018 Solids Handling Industry awards, these awards are now open to all UK registered member and non member companies and institutions operating in the Solids Handling and Processing Industry. Application forms will be available direct from the website from 01/12/2017 and winners will be announced and presented at the awards ceremony in the evening of 17th April 2018 more information is available in the link
Details of the award catagories and award launch date have been announced, for further information follow the link
Details have been released regarding the international Solids Handling show to be held in Dortmund on the 7th and 8th November 2018, for more information please follow the link
**Abstracts deadline extended to 22-12-17 ** for more information follow the link
This course has been especially designed for Shapa members and will include content specifically related to our industry
Who should attend ?
Anyone involved in driving their business forward e.g Managing Directors, Directors/Managers & Account Managers etc , whatever their level of financial knowledge. The workshop is designed to enable everyone to take away practical tips and strategic insight suitable to their skills and experience, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. So join us for and inspiring and enjoyable day out.
Download the detailedinformation and a booking form,today
If you can return these back to as soon as possible so I can make the necessary arrangements and if you feel that this course would help with someone in your close supply chain please feel free to include them.